PUPILS at Hanley Castle High School have raised more than £2,000 in memory of a student who died suddenly last year.

Thirteen-year-old Kyle Salmon, from Kempsey, had leukaemia and died at Birmingham Children's Hospital in May, only a week after he first started feeling ill.

His school friends Dominique and Gabrielle Allen, Cassie Rule and Leah Smith organised a non-uniform day and lower school disco on December 12 to raise money for a skate park that Kyle's parents hope to set up.

At the disco pupils released balloons with messages to their friend attached.

Kyle's mother Vanessa Salmon, who went to the disco with her husband Mark and daughter Charlotte, said: "It was lovely, very, very emotional."

She said Kyle was an absolutely brilliant son: "He was always so happy and active. That was why everybody was shocked by his death."

Ann Hume, assistant head at the school, said she was proud of the pupils' fundraising efforts.

"It's just the sheer fact that they wanted to do it and organised everything themselves," she said.

Kyle was a keen member of Angels in Exile, a youth club that transports skateboarding ramps around the county for youngsters to use under supervision.

Mr and Mrs Salmon have already raised around £1,000 for Angels in Exile and want to open a skate park in Kyle's memory.

"All of Kyle's mates like skateboarding and BMXing. I thought why not do something for kids here?" said Mrs Salmon.

A plan to open the park in St Peter's, Worcester, fell through because a suitable location could not be found.

However, with the help of Upton police and Malvern Hills District Council, Mr and Mrs Salmon are looking for a new site and plan to hold a meeting to discuss ideas at the beginning at February.

Other fundraising events planned by Kyle's family include a five-mile sponsored walk from Kempsey common on February 7 and a night at the Farmers Arms in Kempsey on March 27.

Mr and Mrs Salmon have given Hanley Castle High School a bench (pictured) and remembrance plaque for Kyle, which is now in place in the school's memorial garden.