I find the coverage of Malvern's Town Hall (Malvern Gazette, January 23) lacking in detail.

Malvern has always suffered through having two councils within its centre and I support the need for Malvern to have its own voice within the district. Without a town council to represent the views of inhabitants of Malvern (as opposed to Upton, Tenbury and places between), they would have far less influence on the workings of the district council within the town.

There is no argument about Upton's right to have a council, or Tenbury or any of the myriad smaller parishes, all representative of the size of their electorate. Malvern Town Council represents 35,000 residents and is officially classed as a Large Town Council; it should therefore be energetic in obtaining the best for all of its population, rather than the older ratepayers or any other interest group.

An organisation representing so many citizens requires an office in order to function, and rents are high, whereas ownership creates a benefit for the council.

The current council, now entirely MTAG members, aims to dispose of its main asset at a loss, having bought it in the first place.

They have failed to create income from it during their time in office and seek to reduce the precept by cutting reserves.

Their current achievements are the result of initiatives of the council they deposed and I fear there will be no more, except to sell off its (your) assets.

Coun Malcolm Victory, Wells Road, Malvern Wells.