I AM sick and tired of reading the continual complaints and selfish attitudes of people who over the years have decided to make their home in Ledbury.

Whether it is the Oakland Drive issue or the traffic lights, transportation, schools, sewerage works, abattoir etc, they have had ample opportunity at the planning stages to make their views known.

Herefordshire Council has held forum meetings over the past few years in Ledbury, allowing the public to question council officers on future planning issues and strategies. Sadly, few people respond to these opportunities but then raise objections when council make its decisions.

Regarding the highway on Oakland Drive, I understood that it was constructed to serve that estate and not as a through road to a later development of the Biddulph Estate.

The gate was provided at a later stage only to allow access for the emergency services while the Biddulph Estate was being developed and pending the new second access road planned to connect to the by-pass.

I have, more than most people, cause to regret some of the planning decisions taken over the years which have caused annoyance and distress affecting my abode but have had to abide by the needs of the community.

Nobody in their right mind would consider the introduction of additional traffic on to Oakland Drive and New Street as being safe or indeed necessary.

PETER ONIONS, Knapp Lane, Ledbury.