MAY I respond to Mr Cargill's letter (Your Letters, January 16) concerning his demand for a third vehicular access into the Deer Park by restoring a non-existent road over land in the private ownership of a property company (I have written proof).

Now only 'bad guys' would flout the wishes of those residents he purports to represent by ignoring the association's solicitor's letter to the county council which states: "We act for 600 or more Deer Park residents who do not object to a second access from the by-pass in principle."

Also, the wishes of 800 Deer Park and Oakland residents who signed a petition to the council agreeing to the removal of a hedge to allow emergency vehicles to access the estate over undeveloped land. At a subsequent public meeting of the three councils in April 1986, a pledge was given to residents that the hedge would be reinstated upon completion of the link to the by-pass.

So where is the proof, Mr Cargill, that 600 or more residents desire a third two-way vehicular access through their estate allowing domestic and commercial traffic via Gloucester and New Street?

For more than ten years, complaints by 'named' campaigners against the council's highway's authority have been rejected by three High Court judges, the ombudsman, the inspectorate and professional researchers, incurring enormous legal and other costs, resulting in charges to the council's tax payers.

It is time to end this expensive and damaging split in community life.

Never before, during my lifetime as a Ledburian, has such a divisive issue been experienced.

MRS M McBRIDE, Elmsdale Road, Ledbury.