MR Cargill (Your Letters, January 16) appears to be more concerned with winning a legal battle with Herefordshire Council over the issue of opening these roads, rather than taking into account the wishes of local residents and quotes, at length, what he perceives as the law in relation to this issue.

What Mr Cargill fails to appreciate is that many children have grown up in this area, knowing it as a safe place to play.

Similarly many mothers of young children, and elderly residents use this route to walk to town or to the bus stop in Deer Park to get to the town.

If the fence is removed, these people will be forced to use the route by John Masefield School or alternatively the by-pass, which is without pavements and also a very long route to town.

If the road was to be opened and pavements made, the width of the road would be such that only one vehicle at a time would be able to use it in any one direction.

We are not looking for a protracted legal argument over this matter, merely that consideration be given with regard to the way this area has been used over the last six years by both young and old alike and respect for the safety of all those who use the area.

The current arrangement has been perfectly acceptable for six years, so why the need to change for change's sake?

TRACY MASON, Biddulph Way, Deer Park, Ledbury.