THE 11am service at Holy Trinity, Bosbury, is increasingly popular with young and old. Church musical director Esther Kay is keen to expand the orchestra, which regularly plays at this service on the first Sunday of each month. Musicians of all ages are invited to come and join; the music is easy - you do not have to be a virtuoso, just enthusiastic. So dig out your recorder, violin, guitar, trombone, or what have you, and come along to a practice on Saturday mornings between 10.30am and 11am in Bosbury Church. For more details contact Esther Kay on 01531 670634. Next 11am services are on Sunday, February 1 and Sunday, March 7.

Bosbury WI meets in the parish hall on Thursday, February 12, at 7.30pm. Margery Brace will give a talk on Elgar and his Music. The following evening the Flicks in the Sticks screening of Calendar Girls in the parish hall will have the added attraction of interval refreshments served by Bosbury WI. The dress code is yet to be confirmed. So why not come along and see for yourself? You are guaranteed an entertaining evening.

The pancake and pudding feast on Shrove Tuesday, February 24, in the parish hall will include musical entertainment by Bishop's Woodwind Quartet - four of our local talented musicians, Clare Evans, Annie Kay, Felicity Ardrey and Becky Donaldson. Tickets adult £5, child £2.50. Proceeds to church funds.