THE actions of vandals have forced Pershore Town Council to limit public access through the walkway by the new town hall.

In recent weeks, hooligans have kicked out all the low-level lights installed along the length of the wavy serpentine wall.

At a meeting of town councillors, it was agreed that the walkway should be shut after dark and when the building is not in use.

Mayor Richard Hampton said it would be a great loss to the town if access were limited.


"We had imagined that the townspeople would be able to walk through until nearly midnight and we had hoped that it would open up the centre of the town permanently," he said.

Councillor Charles Tucker said he shared the Mayor's reluctance to limit access.

"It would also make it seem we had been defeated by the vandals," he added.

Coun John Grantham said the limited access should only be a temporary measure until more secure lights had been put in place.

"We should only adopt this as a temporary measure because at the moment the walkway is in darkness," he said.