A 16-year-old girl who scarred another girl with a broken bottle in a Stourport Chinese takeaway has been sent to a detention centre for 12 months.

Laura Lacy, aged 16, of Broomy Close, Stourport, pleaded guilty at Worcester Crown Court to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Judge David McEvoy QC described it as a "wicked" offence which left the 15-year-old victim with a permanent scar on her cheek.

There was a history of bad blood between the girls, said Adam Western, prosecuting. On Wednesday, August 27 they met up in Stourport town centre and Lacy followed the other girl to the China Chef in Tan Lane.

The girl was so apprehensive that she telephoned her mother to pick her up. But before the mother arrived, Lacy had broken a bottle and swiped it across her face causing a two inch cut which needed seven stitches.

In interview, Lacy said she felt threatened and first suggested that the cut could have been caused by her ring.

Nigel Williams, defending, said Lacy maintained she had been bullied by the 15-year-old and they had exchanged offensive text messages.

After the incident, Lacy had been thrown out by her mother and gone to live at a hostel in Kidderminster where she became addicted to heroin. He submitted that she was a highly vulnerable girl with low self-esteem and needed help.