GARDENING CLUB: Chairman Bridget Maslin welcomed members to the first meeting in 2004.

Members were grateful to Mickleton Chapel for allowing them to use the chapel for the meeting and the Joseph Webb Hall for coffee while King George's Hall was closed for renovations. Members were warm and comfortable and the speaker, Angela Tandy of Fibrex Nurseries, said it was the first time she had spoken in a Chapel.

Angela showed many different ivies and demonstrated what could be achieved with them including a standard plant, a fascinating wall made up of ivy trained on a wire structure and a colourful hanging basket.

The competition for a stem of ivy was won by Peggy Atherton and the silver salver for the most points accumulated for the competitions during 2003 was awarded to Bridget Maslin.

The inter-club quiz takes place in Ebrington on March 9, and members collected their new programme and newsletter giving details of forthcoming visits and the holiday.