MEMBERS were welcomed to the first meeting of 2004 by incoming president Mrs Janet Baines.

The meeting began with the speaker and his associates from Felicity Hat Hire, Leamington Spa. They modelled a sample of their 500 hats, many of which were made by notable milliners from the fashion world, including one who had made many hats for the Queen.

Members were guided through the process of choosing a suitable hat for the occasion, which was more complicated than it appeared.

The hats were extremely stylish and elegant and the audience very appreciative.

The business part of the meeting was then conducted. The county news sheet and other items were read.

Dates of local and other events were given and it was decided to arrange an outing to Evesham in the summer.

There will be a silent auction at the next meeting when the speaker Mrs C Newey talks about her visit to the Galapagos Isles.

The competition winners were Janet Baines and Marion Cargill with amusing Christmas cards they had received. Marion also won the first raffle prize.

Visitors are always welcome at meetings, which are held at Malt Mill Lane Community Centre on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm.