WHAT a refreshing change. Albert Wharrad finally admits the diabolical condition and quality of windows in council houses is due to the old Labour Council (Letters, January 21).

Clearly, years ago the Labour council (rather like this Labour Government) just threw money into contracts without checking quality or value for money.

Mr Wharrad mentions the money used was raised from the sale of council land and assets of negative value - like Bridley Moor School?

How refreshing it is to have Conservative and Liberal Democrat Councillors willing to prioritise taxpayers' money, seek out potential savings, act prudently and go for the best quality at the best price, even if the common sense option does not please the minority.

As Mrs Joy Glover rightly points out in your paper last week, some Lodge Park residents and Mayfields residents have had new windows and frames twice in 10 years.

We poor home owners paying council tax are lucky to change our windows once in our lifetime.

The difference is we pay for our own, so we get it right first time or live with it.

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