Hundreds of Spa jobs have been saved after a £450m merger of GUS Home Shopping and March UK was approved last Thursday.

Trade secretary Patricia Hewitt finally endorsed the recommendation of the Competition Commission that the acquisition of the Great Universal Stores home shopping and delivery businesses by March UK should proceed.

The announcement came as a huge relief to the 468 warehouse workers on the Berry Hill industrial estate who had faced an uncertain future after the handing over of the report in December.

If the merger had been blocked 2,406 jobs could have also been affected in the head office, warehouses and depots of Reality owned by GUS in Worcester, among many others in the area.

Jack Dromey, deputy general secretary of the Transport & General Workers Union, said: "The Secretary of State has acted in the public interest. Nineteen thousand jobs hung on her decision. The go-ahead for the merger is right for our members and right for the customers they serve."

Mr Dromey gave evidence to the Competition Commission, arguing that the merger should be allowed to proceed.

March UK also controls Littlewood's Home Shopping and stores businesses. The T&G has 5,000 members directly affected, ranging from the giant Worcester establishment to the drivers nationwide.

Mid Worcestershire MP Peter Luff also lobbied to allow the merger to go ahead. He said: "I am delighted by the Government's decision. Many of us have worked very hard to persuade the Secretary of State. Local jobs have been saved and real competition for consumers increased. It is a very good outcome."