THE first of the Bromsgrove branch of the RNLI monthly meetings for 2004 started on a very cheerful note.

Notification had been received from Poole that the branch had been awarded either a framed certificate or a gavel in honour of their loyal support and dedication to the RNLI. It was decided to have a gavel, which will be presented later.

Bromsgrove is now twinned with Newquay (Wales) and it is hoped to do a separate fund raising event, also to make a visit to the station.

Financially, since last May, a total of £6,300 has been sent to Poole, so that is very pleasing.

After an excellent meal at Bromsgrove School, Audrey Kamska took us through her most colourful life with her musical memories. For the first part we enjoyed her choice of music, the second part she sang and proved to us she still has a beautiful voice, even though No one loves a fairy over 40 and Diamonds really are a girls best friend. Her choice of songs from musicals was enthralling. Bob Crump gave a vote of thanks and so ended the first of our meetings from a very exciting programme for the rest of 2004. February 18 is our next meeting, when Sonia Williams will give us a talk on the Tin Roof School in the Zambian Bush. If you wish to join us, you will be made most welcome. Mary Hampton will be pleased to give full details on 01527 878309.