n THE Director of Educational Services, Julien Kramer, refers on the front page of the Evening News to the "critical report" that has recently come out concerning Elbury Mount School.

I cannot comment yet on the report, since I have not seen it. However, I should like to correct what he is reported to have said about the governing body.

In thanking "the governors for "terrific progress" in the school since November, and in stating that "the board of governors has also been streamlined to help run the school", he gives the impression of a school functioning in a normal fashion, with a board of governors.

The reality is that there is no board of governors. Far from being "streamlined", the governing body has been rendered dysfunctional, operating with neither a chair nor a vice chair.

The legislation states that there must be a board of governors. I think it is imperative, for the safe and effective running of the school, that this situation should be rectified without delay.

