MALVERN Spa Association is pressing ahead with a programme of work despite delays to its flagship project.

The group has been planning a project to restore ten water spouts around the area for more than two years but has been waiting for essential funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Association chairman Carly Tinkler said: "We just can't wait to get started on the project. There are ten spouts that are in need of urgent restoration that we picked out some time ago, but we cannot start work until the Lottery Heritage Fund has finalised the administration of the funds.

"We are hoping that it will be finalised in the next couple of months so that we can make a start. We're raring to go."

Despite the set-back, the group has been busy planning several events and projects for the coming year. It will begin with the May Day celebrations in Malvern's Priory Park, with plans for coach tours and the annual well-dressing display.

The association is also looking into raising additional funds to restore a further ten to twenty spouts in the area.

"We are hoping to work with the community and parish councils to put forward spouts that need restoration work," said Mrs Tinkler.

"We are also looking to launch walking guides with a water related theme, perhaps concentrating on the myths and legends theme and the water cure."

Schools around the area also look set to benefit from educational talks and projects organised by the association within the next few months.

Mrs Tinkler said: "We're launching a large scale project this year and we just can't wait to get started."