Plans to improve facilities at Manor Park Sports Club in Malvern have taken a step forward.

An application for planning permission to enlarge the entrance to the club and its changing facilities has been submitted to Malvern Hills District Council.

The proposed single-storey extension would transform the current entrance into a conservatory-style area with views over the tennis courts and the Malvern Hills.

Andy Nicholls, commercial manager at the club, said: "Drawings of the plans have been done and architects have been to view the area.

"We intend that people will be able to sit and enjoy food and drink while watching their friends or children playing tennis, as well as enjoying a fabulous view of the hills.

"We are in desperate need of bigger changing rooms for the bowls players. When all six indoor courts are being used and everyone comes off at the same time, 48 people changing together can be very cramped. Hopefully, the changing rooms will be doubled in size.

"We are hoping that the work will be done by the summer, but it could be later, it all depends on when planning permission is granted."

Mr Nicholls said 2003 was a 'very buoyant' year for the club, with a steady increase in the number of new members.

"We enjoyed a very good year last year and numbers are holding," he said.

"We are in the process of promoting our function room, which is under-used. It's an ideal place for keep-fit classes or gatherings."

The club, which opened in 1907, now boasts a six-rink indoor bowling hall, four squash courts and all-weather tennis courts among its growing range of facilities.

For further information about the club, contact Mr Nicholls on 01684 574010.