PARISH COUNCIL: Report of parish council meeting of December 16:

The precept was agreed at £5,400 an increase of 1.9 per cent on last year's figure.

Information had been received from Highways regarding the introduction of a parish lengthsman scheme. This was considered to be more appropriate for larger parishes as issues of salary, PAYE, insurance etc were considered too onerous for small rural parishes.

Speed through the village of Defford on the main road would be the subject of monitoring by a new vehicle whereby the speed would be displayed on a large screen on top of the vehicle. Any effect on slowing vehicles would also be subsequently recorded.

As advertised in the Parish News January issue, an open meeting to discuss whether a parish plan should be created was programmed for January 21.

Rubble processing had restarted at The Crabbe site again despite enforcement notices prohibiting the activity. Letters were sent to Wychavon District Council requesting action be taken to prosecute the site owners again.

Mrs Fallon had been confirmed as the nominated representative on the Board of School Governors for Drakes Broughton School subject to agreement with all the other parish councils consulted.

Thanks were recorded to John Bolton and Andrew for repairing damage to the village hall car park sign caused by vandals trying to prise it off the post.

Fears were expressed regarding the implications to the old airfield following rumours that Quinetiq might relinquish control of the site.