Dear Editor - As the New Year begins is anyone else in Bromsgrove faced with a similar situation as my neighbours and I?

That is, developers buying up properties, destroying gardens, wanting to demolish a perfectly good home and build six more in its place?

Approximately 80 objection letters later and the council have agreed outline plans.

What hope is there left for my elderly neighbours whose peace has already been taken away from them by the developers?

Developers who flash £100,000s+ to those who move out of their house into another leaving their former home empty for months and leaving worried neighbours behind.

Disgusting and what's it all for at the end of the day? Improving the quality of the environment? NO. Improving the quality of life for existing residents? NO. Improving existing residents privacy? NO. Improving traffic and parking congestion? NO.

Improving the council's figures for infilling brown field sites? YES. Improving the developer's and absconded neighbours bank balances? YES.

So, if money is all you want - vacate your house, sell it to a developer who can then possibly demolish it and build two or three or......... six if you're really lucky.

Emigrate then you don't have to worry about what your neighbours would think. But then you wouldn't be worrying if money is your only objective.

Bye, I'm off to a place where the council serves its residents, not just developers....

No I'm not funding it through the sale of my house or garden or next door neighbour's house to developers!!!! I do have a conscience. BUT who'd want to buy a house with a development looming close by?.......A developer!!! Guess I'm stuck. Thanks Bromsgrove. Happy New Year.

Disillusioned, Bromsgrove