PLANS to merge some of the town's neighbourhood group meetings due to boundary changes have met a mixed reaction from councillors.

The boundaries are being redrawn under Local Government Commission proposals to ensure wards have a similar number of electors.

The shake-up means Lakeside and St George's would be merged with Lodge Park, while Greenlands would be amalgamated with Woodrow, rather than staying with Lodge Park.

Councillor Andy Fry said at last Wednesday's executive committee meeting: "This is a disaster, certainly for Lakeside and St George's and Lodge Park and Greenlands.

"At those meetings, residents were asked if they wanted ward meetings and both unanimously said no.

"Ward meetings are totally artificial and will not benefit consultation before policies are made, which is part of what neighbourhood group meetings are for."

Councillor Pat Wilson added: "Callow Hill people have always looked to Webheath for social entertainment.

"It seems a great pity to detach them from there and send them to Crabbs Cross, where I don't think they have any real attachment.

"Neighbourhood groups, if they are to be successful and continue, need to appeal to the people going to them."

But Councillor Phil Mould said: "This is never going to be perfect and is never going to suit everyone but the team has come up with the best solution possible."