HUNDREDS of people have already taken the opportunity to enjoy peace, tranquillity and prayer at the Alexandra Hospital's new multi-faith centre.

Although the centre has not been officially opened, it is up and running for use by anyone at the hospital who wants to find solace.

New anti-discrimination legislation meant the hospital had to have a facility where people of any religion or no religion could pray or sit and contemplate.

There are no religious symbols and it is an open-plan room with moveable partitions so it is possible to temporarily section off parts for private prayer.

Hospital chaplain the Rev Barry Jones said: "We are absolutely delighted with the response to the new centre. It is being used by patients, visitors and staff alike.

"People are using it to pray for a loved one or just as somewhere to sit and think about things in peace and quiet.

"There are also services people can attend. The Christian service is held on Wednesdays at 11am and there are several Muslim prayer sessions people can go to. The times are listed on the door of the centre.

"This is a wonderful place and we're finding the more we use it, the more we like it."

The centre, which is located off the main entrance of the hospital, cost more than £107,000 to build.

Plans are now being formalised for an official opening ceremony.