GENEROUS regulars at a Worcester pub have raised £1,300 towards equipment for a stroke rehabilitation unit.

Drinkers at The Winning Post in Pope Iron Road, Barbourne, took part in an auction and raffle to help buy an exercise bike for the Willows stroke unit at Evesham Community Hospital.

Prizes included a football signed by the Manchester United squad, tickets to an Arsenal game and professional photographs of Jonny Wilkinson's famous World Cup-winning kick.

The night of events was organised by pub landlords Jim and Anne McKeever and regular Stewart Dewar whose father, James, a former teacher at Worcester's Bishop Perowne CE High School, is receiving treatment at the unit.

"It was a really good night and everyone got into the spirit of the evening," said Mr Dewar.

"I thought we would raise about £300 or £400 tops from the whole thing but I was amazed when we'd got £500 before everything even started."