LADIES living in Hereford and surrounding areas are being invited to another evening under the bonnet in aid of Acorns Children's Hospice.

Car care and maintenance company EasyFit Auto Safety Centres is hosting a fun and informative charity ladies night to raise money for the Hospice Appeal.

Managing director Paul Rogers has promised a "unique" evening giving ladies the chance to find out all about general car maintenance for the winter.

Hands-on demonstrations and workshops will cover filling up windscreen washers, checking tyre pressure and tread and how to use anti-freeze for the cold January and February weather.

Details will be available about the recently introduced car maintenance section on driving tests.


"Our motto is 'be safe, be legal' and we are keen to pass on our knowledge and also to help raise invaluable funds for our charity of the year," said Mr Rogers.

The evening will include a raffle to win a host of prizes including a weekend-long test drive in a Mercedes Benz and everyone will leave with a free goody bag.

Acorns Children's Hospice Trust offers respite, emergency and palliative care for life-limited children, practical help and support at home for parents, siblings and their extended family.

More than 60 ladies attended the last evening run by the company in November 2003, raising nearly £300 for the charity.

The event will take place at EasyFit's retail centre on Widemarsh Street, Hereford, on Thursday, January 22, from 6.30-9pm.

Although the event is free, those who would like to attend will need an entry ticket.

For further details and to receive tickets contact EasyFit's PR company Porcupine on 01934 423240.