OLD boys and girls of Wyre Forest can reminisce about their school days with the launch of a new Shuttle/Times and News website.

Class pictures which are more than 20 years old can now be submitted for inclusion in our Old Schools site.

Hundreds of pictures have been sent in over the years to be printed in the Flashback section of the newspaper and from this week, they will be put on permanent display so people from all over the world can click on to the website and join in the trip down memory lane.

One of the first to be posted is a Coronation Year picture of the Remove class of 15-year-olds at King Charles I School, Kidderminster. King Charles I School, Kidderminster, 1953.

It was submitted by Mick Shuck, of Areley Kings, who said: "Everyone likes to see these old school pictures and remember their old pals. I will be pleased to think that old friends all over the world can look at my old photo."

Mr Shuck, a former Kidderminster Harriers player, is pictured on the left of form tutor Mr Norris in the 1953 photo.

Pensioner Wilfred Knott, 67, of Loweswater Road, Stourport, is also delighted his photo of Far Forest School, taken about 60 years ago, will be posted on the Old Schools site. A photo of Far Forest School taken about 60 years ago and which is one of the first to be posted on the new Old Schools website.

He said: "We have got friends and relations in Australia and I am delighted to think they will be able to revive happy memories by looking at old school photographs from the area."

Photographs can be submitted to Old Schools, Shuttle/Times and News, 6 Towers Building, Blackwell Street, Kidderminster, DY10 2DY. A stamped self-addressed envelope must be enclosed if photographs need to be returned.