DESPITE its title, this is not a dreary play.

It shows how three widows, close friends, deal with the deaths of their husbands in different ways, visiting the cemetery once a month together, for a few quiet moments by the graves.

As the apparently flighty Lucille, Iris Widdowson is brilliant, though her American accent slipped occasionally. However, she plays the coquette hiding her deeper feelings superbly.

Jenny Eglinton is good as Ida, a much more sensible person on the surface, but she longs to start a new chapter in her life - perhaps with Sam, played by Stanley Barten.

The third member of the group is Doris, who will be faithful to Abe until death, and whose one pleasure in life is those monthly trips to the graveside. Here Rosalind Hadley excels.

After being bridesmaids for a much-married friend, they come home drunk. This is a hilarious scene at the start, but ends in a few home truths.

There are poignant moments, and lots of laughs, in this excellent production. VJS.