ONLY those with a fondness for walking around with paper bags on their heads will have missed the hype surrounding this impossibly cool New York five-piece band.

But the arrival of debut album Is This It last year proved there was impressive substance behind the style - and they are every bit as good live.

Their raw sound, which many have compared to the best American punk and new wave bands of the 1970s, proves equally effective on stage and CD.

And there was a tangible sense of excitement among those lucky enough to have tickets for the first show by the band - named Best International Newcomer at last week's Brit Awards - in the Second City.

One gripe. There was a disappointingly high number of imitation Strokes haircuts among sheep-like audience members.

OK, you like the music but you don't have to try and look like the band!

While they can carry off a certain look most people end up looking plain daft.

But this proved only a minor irritation.

The classic The Modern Age, the song that introduced the world to The Strokes last year, was rapturously received while another highlight was Last Nite, which I thought was performed much better than at the Brits.

I get the feeling The Strokes will be playing bigger venues than this next time they are in the Midlands.