This performance was virtually a dress rehearsal for the group's entry in the annual Worcestershire Theatre Festival, which is being held this year in Evesham.

On Saturday the actors will be presenting this play, which has been written especially for the festival by Vicky Bagnall and Jane Finch.

Like any dress rehearsal, various problems came to light, not least that the set caught on fire! But the group has had this week to iron out the creases and I am sure by now everyone is word perfect and the special effect has been fire-proofed!

The play is based on Arthurian legend, when the Green Knight, played brilliantly by John Foxall, visits Camelot and challenges a knight to chop his head off with an axe, but if the deed fails, he, the Green Knight, can reverse the situation in a year's time. Sir Gawain, again superbly cast, accepts the challenge.

The dialogue explained what was going on and the action held the attention. Good luck to the gang on Saturday. VJS