BOTH choirs will be visiting Husum next year, and this concert in celebration of the twinning of the towns, raised cash to help towards the trip.

Compered by Charles Talbot of the Twinning Association, this was again a most relaxing evening, with plenty of beautiful music.

KMC highlights for me were the wonderful Take Me Home which I never tire of, I Dreamed A Dream, and The Quatro Gento's sublime version of Nacht by Schumann.

The Valentines sent tingles down my spine with My Heart Will Go On, and a terrific arrangement of Bali H'ai, also another favourite of mine Liverpool Lou which we all joined in.

Guest singer was Beth Dunn, from Wyre Forest Young Voices, particularly fine in On My Own from Les Miserables, and I must mention the excellent pianist who accompanied her, Sara Weaver, who had also written one of the songs Beth performed.

We all combined to raise the roof in the final item, Morte Criste. No-one could ask for a better concert than this. VJS