RBL WOMEN'S SECTION: The December meeting was a Christmas party. After a short business meeting food prepared by the committee was served. Then followed the drawing of a bumper raffle. The monthly draw was made the winners were W Griffiths, B Peart and R Griffiths.

TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD: At the December meeting of the Townswomen's Guild, the chairman welcomed a new member and four visitors. She introduced the speaker, Mr H Dawson, who gave a talk about his experiences as Father Christmas for some large stores, such as Hoopers, Cavendish House and in the Clearwell Caves. He had a wealth of anecdotes to recount. Mrs Herbert gave the vote of thanks.

Mrs Lockhart was pleased to report that 59 Christmas boxes had been delivered to Operation Christmas Child and thanked members for their generosity.

There are still nine seats available for the performance of Love Letters on January 30 in Huntingdon Hall.

At their recent meeting the Literary Appreciation Group had discussed the book Moments of Truth by Lorna Sage and read poems.

The chairman presented a cheque for £1,000 to Mrs Diana McBride, who was representing the local branch of MS which had been chosen as the guild's charity for 2003. Expressing thanks for this splendid amount, Mrs McBride said it was welcome at a difficult time for the branch. A raffle raised £69.

Members attended a Christmas lunch at The Railway Inn, Defford. After the wining and dining, the Guilded Lilies gave a performance of readings, poems, a lively panto (Hansel and Gretel) and a selection of carols, the last of which had been composed by their pianist, Mrs Horstman. Mrs Lockhart thanked all who had taken part and presented Mrs Horstman and Mrs Herbert, the producer, with a voucher and a special lily.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 6, in Wulstan Hall at 2pm when Mrs Dudman will talk about Training Guide Dogs for the Blind and will bring with her a guide dog. The sales table will be Anything Goes. New members and visitors are welcome.

ARTHRITIS RESEARCH COUNCIL: Held their Christmas Fair at Almonry Close, Abbey Road. There were many stalls, also a bring and buy, raffle, tombola, live music and carols. For information ring 01386 860331 or 01386 553369.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Worcester Male Voice Choir is holding a concert at Pershore Abbey in aid of the Arthritis Research Council. The compere will be Dave Bradley and the guests will be Holborne Brass Quintet.

The concert is being held on Saturday, December 13, and tickets will be £7 each, which will include light refreshments. Tickets for the event are on sale from Blue, Broad Street, or from 01905 381553 or 01684 562458

ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION: Chairman Ken Rowe has had notification that the seed orders have been despatched and will hopefully be distributed before Christmas in time for early planting. For details ring 01386 554279.

A load of stone has been delivered and quickly distributed along parts of the Tiddesley Wood track and the Gardener's Arms car park and track. The association will be asking for more stone from the council in the near future to continue work on the tracks.