THE season of goodwill truly arrives in Bewdley this weekend when warm-hearted charity workers begin a mission to bring Santa to every home in the town.Simon Downes, Dave Foreman and Santa are on a mission to visit every house in Bewdley in the name of charity.

The bearded one will help collect cash for charity along with helpers from Bewdley Round Table from Saturday.

Festive music will herald the arrival of Santa when the Round Table float begins its rounds which last year raised £2,300.

"We are hoping to raise even more this year," said member Dave Foreman.

"It's great fun and the kids love to see Santa come to their door. Every penny we raise apart from administration costs goes to charities which we invite to apply for the money."

Round Table vice-chairman Peter Simpson said: "It's becoming a bit of an institution and we are asking people to stay in to enjoy the show."

He added: "We are always looking for new members and charities to apply for the money."

The team will call at homes on the Wribbenhall side of the river between 4.30pm and 8pm on Saturday and then the Stourport Road area of Wribbenhall and the town centre the following night at the same time.

They will then visit the Bark Hill area on Monday and next Thursday between 6.30pm and 8pm and on December 22 between 4.30pm and 8pm.

For more information call Peter Simpson on 01299 402020.