THE November meeting was the AGM, chaired by Lynn Parr with WI adviser Marjory Whiting in attendance to assist at the elections. Lynn wished to stand down from the presidency, a position held for three years.

She thanked everyone who had worked with her, particularly the committee, making the years so successful. She was thanked by Hilary Armitage for all her hard work and for always being so enthusiastic.

Rita Cartwright was elected and very willing to take over in the hot seat for the coming year.

Secretary Menai Watkins gave a brief outline of all the activities over the year, a very full and active one that had included the club's 80th birthday.

After the formalities of electing a new committee, Marjory gave a short talk entitled 'Can you make a difference?'

She started her career as a demonstrator with the Gas Board, dreading the thought of ever joining the WI.

However, after the initial introduction through a friend she received tremendous pleasure from the WI and now enthuses all the time about it.

She has acted in all the various positions, including president, before this culminated in her becoming a VCO, now a WIA.

She is now so involved she calls this the "silly season", being out nearly every night at AGMs.

Other reports were given on the half yearly council meeting, a visit to Birmingham Gas Street Basin as guests of Inkberrow WI and also the skittles match, again with Inkberrow.