THE November meeting was the AGM and belated harvest supper.

The president reported how pleased she was with the effort for the Topsy Fund.

Pauline Vining gave a comprehensive report on the autumn council meeting, at times very humorous but also very interesting.

WI adviser Mrs Ros Belcher was then introduced and started off the important part of the evening.

Mrs Sylvia Bending read the financial statement and the secretary read her report giving a brief outline of activities during the year.

President Angela Watson then gave her report expressing thanks to the secretary and treasurer and committee members for the staunch help during the year and all WI members for their support.

Mrs Belcher reminded members of the resolution selection meeting at the Spa meeting on January 12.

She then guided the election of the new committee.

The new officers are: President, Janet Baines; vice-president, Marion Cargill; secretary, Pauline Vining; treasurer, Sylvia Bending plus six committee members.

Mrs Eileen Turner gave the vote of thanks and presented Mrs Belcher with a plant. Winner of the competitions during the year was a tie, so the final result will be announced in December.

Members were advised the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes had been delivered.

The next meeting, being held tomorrow, will take the form of a faith supper and light-hearted games and a quiz.