WHERE is our nativity scene that used to be displayed in the centre of town? What have polar bears got to do with Christmas?

The very word Christmas means "the feast of Christ".

It is certainly not the once-a-year spending spree it has now become.

A long time ago a man came to dwell among us to show us how to live. The people then declared, 'We will not have this man to reign over us.' They put him to death on a cross. He was called the Prince of Peace.

Is it any wonder the crime rate has increased and that people live in fear? I have always looked forward to Christmas since I have been a child.

I am now a senior citizen and have difficulty getting about, whether to spend or not, and certainly do not want to be reminded of snow and ice.

The motto of our town is "Redditch for God". If the pen is mightier than the sword, as someone once said, then why have there been no letters of protest?

Are we afraid to be counted as Christians?

No nativity cards, no combined carol service. Why?

What does Christmas mean to you? It is my whole life.

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