HAVING just read Rev Kelso's letter, 'Government is eroding marriage' (Advertiser, December 3), I am filled with a mixture of confusion and disgust.

Firstly confusion in the fact that his letter had no real point and just seemed to be a means of venting his views on the "immoral" society we live in.

And secondly disgust that a minister can preach such hatred. As a Christian, I have always been led to believe everyone must be accepted for who they are and not dependent on their age, sexuality, religion, nationality or colour.

However, Rev Kelso doesn't seem to see it this way. He writes "...fearful of speaking out because of being called narrowminded, racist, old fashioned, bigoted and homophobic".

The way I see it, if a comment or action is racist or homophobic then it should be called it.

I do agree with Rev Kelso that marriage is an institution that should be cherished between a man and a woman but what is the harm for a gay couple to be considered married in the eyes of the law?

I think I speak for millions who have homosexual friends and family when I say difference is not a sin and if we lived in a more equal world, then maybe it would be a better one.


Matchborough East
