A TOWN councillor is urging the elderly to take precautionary measures when approached by carol singers this year.

Councillor John Cook (Lab-West) has received many concerns from residents who are being asked for money by carol singers.

He said: "I am sure many of these carol singers are legitimate but in the light of recent thefts in and around the town I feel that parents should accompany their children while carol singing or ensure they do not go out singing after 6pm.

"Old people are particularly vulnerable and they should avoid putting themselves in a position where they may have to leave their doors unattended."

A police spokesman said: "The spirit of Christmas is with us once again and we would like to caution everyone not to leave their door unattended while seeking money for legitimate carol singers."

He added that if they must, they should either close the door or put the chain across and no-one should feel offended by this.