JAYNE Eyre, Winnie the Pooh and Wuthering Heights are just some of the books whipping well-read Rubery students into a frenzy.

Pupils at Waseley Hills High, in School Road, are enjoying a three-week celebration of literature in line with BBC Two's The Big Read series.

The youngsters have been discussing and voting for their favourite novels and taking part in special lunchtime reading sessions.

The initiative has been organised by Jill Horton, the Key Stage Three co-ordinator of English, who has encouraged other staff to join in the fun by talking about their favourite books in assemblies.

School spokeswoman Jean Wickens said: "The children have really been enjoying the programme." In the last few weeks politicians, musicians and celebrities have all appeared in the BBC Two series urging viewers to vote for their favourite book, from a list of 20. Short-listed books include Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Catch 22.