TWO little boys are hoping their Christmas wish for a new family will come true.

Jamie, aged six, and his five-year-old brother Chris, are currently being cared for by Derby City Council social services but are hoping to find an adoptive family soon.

The boys come from a dual heritage African-Caribbean and white British background and are looking for a two-parent adoptive family that can reflect or develop their cultural background.

They have lived with foster carers since coming into care 15 months ago and have made very good progress at school.

They are alert, happy brothers who find it easy to make friends.

Their carers say they are full of energy, enjoy each other's company and thrive on individual attention.

If you feel you could offer Jamie and Chris a loving, stable home and help their Christmas wish come true, contact Derby City Council's adoption team on 01332 718000.

Adoption process step-by-step

1. Express an interest by calling 0800 028 2158.

2. The information meeting: Would-be adopters are invited to meet social workers and adoptive parents to find out more about adoption.

3. The home visit: A social worker will find out what you hope to gain out of adoption and what you feel you can offer a child.

4. Making an application: If you decide to go ahead, you will need to fill in an application form. You will also have to give your authority for social services to run a police and local authority check on you.

5. Preparation, assessment and training: If your application is accepted, you will begin a longer period of preparation, assessment and training.

6. The home study report: You and a social worker will work together to produce a report which involves an assessment of you as an adoptive parent.

7. The adoption panel: The home study report goes before an adoption panel which will decide whether or not you are approved to adopt a child or children.

8. Matching you to a child.

9. Placement: Once a child has been identified, you will be given the full information about their background, and if you want to proceed, you'll meet the child/children.

10. The adoption order: When your adoptive child has settled in your family, you can apply to the court for an adoption order and once it's granted, all rights and responsibilities originally held by the birth parents transfer to you.