PARISH COUNCIL: Summary of meeting held in September.

Footpaths - Cllr G Robinson is to meet Patrick White, from Worcestershire County Council.

Avonbrook matters - Chris Haseley had met with Richard Battersby, Environment Agency. He was advised the Environment Agency was not responsible for the brook but he would contact Wychavon District Council to recommend enforcement action. Mr Haseley mentioned the owners had no access to the land but the excess weeds were promoting stagnant water and flies. As soon as the water stops flowing, Wychavon can take action.

Bypass - Worcestershire County Council recognises the importance of the Western Link but Chadbury Link is a priority for now. The road would be closed and the method of turning was yet to be agreed. There was concern that signs in Pershore still directed traffic to Wyre.

PC Cavendish - main crime recently was car crime. He had carried out extra patrols and chatted with youngsters. There are now seven officers and beat managers at Pershore. There were concerns about the people who sell at the doors. He replied these are perfectly legal and should have a peddlars' certificate.

Cllr G Robinson - Thanks to Mr and Mrs Tudor who keep the Cross looking tidy.