A SENIOR Stourport Labour councillor fears voters will stay at home rather than turn out for next week's by-election after the Tory-run town council refused to stump up £800 to issue polling cards.

Labour group leader Councillor Reg Knott said he was worried people would think they were not entitled to vote unless they were sent a card.

The election on Thursday November 27 was called to fill the vacancy in Stour and Wilden created by the death of stalwart Labour councillor Mick Grinnall - an area which covers 3,000 potential voters.

Mr Knott said: "We contacted the Electoral Commission and were told that, although there is no rule stating that polling cards have to be sent out, it is considered good practice, especially in this day and age of apathy among voters.

"Some people, who would have been reminded of the election day by having a card, will forget. Others will believe that, without a card, one cannot vote."

The town council had planned to co-opt a member until the next local elections in order to save the estimated £2,500 to £3,000 cost of holding a by-election.

That attempt was thwarted when a nomination was received for the vacancy.

Mr Knott added: "Once an election had been called for I believe we should have done it properly.

"We have had an extra £19,000 from the district council for projects this year and we always have money towards elections in the budget to cover eventualities like this so we could afford it."

But Stourport's Conservative mayor Stephen Clee said the money could be better spent on improvements in the town.

"Everyone will know about the election because Conservative group members will have been delivering leaflets to every household in the Stour and Wilden ward informing them," said Mr Clee.

Mr Knott added that his party would also be busy making sure voters were aware of the election.

The four candidates standing are: James Millington (Independent), Michael Salter (Conservative), Nigel Tackley-Goodman (Liberal Democrat) and Gary Watson (Labour).

People living between the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal and the River Stour will vote at St Wulstans Community Centre.

Those living between the river and the Wychavon District Council boundary will vote at The Forum, previously the Old Anchor pub in Worcester Road.

And for the remainder - people living in Wilden village, Wilden Lane, Wilden Top Road, and the north side of Hartlebury Road - the venue will be Wilden Village Hall.

Deputy returning officer Alan Pilgrim said: "Most electors will have voted before and should go to their usual polling station.

"However, for those who haven't voted previously or are unsure of where to go to vote please telephone Stourport Town Council on 01299 877214 or Wyre Forest District Council elections office on 01562 732739."