AN exciting arts plan to develop Redditch as 'a hub of creative activity' will soon be put to the council for adoption.

'From Paolozzi to Panto - Preparing Redditch for the Arts' is a new arts policy with objectives and aims for the town. It also incorporates a five-year action plan.

Its aims include prioritising young people's engagement in the arts, increasing people's expectations of the arts in Redditch and exploiting the town's cultural assets to their full potential.

Councillors on the community services overview and scrutiny committee were due to comment on the plan on Monday and were asked to recommend to the executive committee that the council adopts it.

Redditch Council's theatre and arts development manager Jonathan Cochrane said: "It is very exciting to see for the first time a single item agenda for the arts in a council meeting.

"We look forward to further opportunities developing in the town, especially with the formation of a local arts forum."

The plan states Redditch Council commissioned the production of an arts plan to establish "a clear focus and role" for itself in the development and support of the arts in Redditch over the next five years."

It adds: "Key steps to achieving this are the development of a policy statement for the arts and the establishment of a five-year strategic plan to ensure effective, efficient and focused delivery.

"The council is committed to improving and increasing opportunities for engaging in arts activities within Redditch.

"We will be aspirational and ambitious in our plans, endeavour to create access to the arts for all and strive to develop Redditch as a hub of creative activity."