THE Act of Remembrance had added poignancy at the AGM of the branch, which was held at the Flyford Arms on November 4 when the chairman, Mr P Laight, was saddened to record the deaths of nine members during the preceding 12 months.

Reports were given by president Mr W Gregg, the chairman and Mr J Whitfield, honorary secretary and membership secretary, who spoke of the need to recruit new members.

Mr Laight thanked everyone who had helped during the past year including Poppy sellers and the hosts of coffee mornings.

Two of these events had already taken place and raised £250 and £206 respectively, an increase on last year.

Mr Laight and his wife were thanked in turn for hosting a wine and cheese evening, which raised £770 for funds.

The chairman paid particular tribute to Mr Gregg who has indicated his intention to retire as president later in the year and to retiring vice-chairman Mr M Mills, who has served in this office for 20 years.

The accounts prepared by treasurer Mr P Perkins were presented and adopted by the meeting.

Mr Perkins in now Poppy Appeal organiser for the branch and it was confirmed that 52 boxes had been prepared out this year.

Details of the Remembrance Services were confirmed and Mr Fred Sutor-Hulse reported that he had laid a wreath on behalf of members at the Menim Gate during his recent visit to Belgium.