TO the accompaniment of fireworks we held our annual meeting on November 5!

Hilary Taylor, our retiring president, was in the chair.

Cards were given to members who had birthdays in November.

We are holding a group Christmas event on December 17 and there will be readings and carols. This will be held in St Peter's Church Hall.

On October 20, four members with flowers and foliage travelled by car to WI House in Worcester.

It was our turn to do flower arrangements for the main rooms in the house that week.

Christine Mellor gave a report on the council meeting at Evesham.

The speaker at this meeting told some hilarious stories, recounted by Christine.

Rhona Green reported on the craft fayre which we had participated in at Worcester.

This had been disappointing due to lack of customers.

We play skittles against Ipsley WI at Bromsgrove on December 9.

Next on the agenda was the annual meeting.

Janice Jones from county came along to guide us through this.

Claudette presented the financial statement which was duly adopted.

Audrey gave the committee's annual report of the highlights and activities we had enjoyed through the year.

Hilary gave her president's address, thanking committee members for the support she had been given during her three years of office.

Then came the election of a president.

There were only seven nominations for committee and no-one wished to accept nomination for president.

Sue Lawson said she would accept if she be assured of help if she needed this.

Wendy Hart will work alongside Sue if required.

Hilary Taylor agreed to be secretary for the coming year.

Jean Hart gave a vote of thanks to Hilary for all her dedication to the institute over the past three years.