A WILDLIFE lover who has dedicated 30 years of her life to helping injured and distressed swans has been nominated for Midlander of the Year.

Jan Harrigan first set up the Swan Rescue Centre in Wychbold after she nursed a swan with a broken wing back to health in the early 1970s.

Since then she has seen many injured swans and water birds and has tirelessly spent hours nursing them back to good health.

To recognise her years of hard work and effort one of her colleagues, Phyllis Stuart, has placed her in the running for Midlander of the Year. Should Jan defeat her rivals, including Wychbold racing driver Matt Neal, she will go forward to the final round and could later be crowned with the prestigious title.

"I was proper chuffed when I received the phone call to tell me I had been nominated for Midlander of the Year. It's fantastic to know someone thinks that much of you," she said.

"It all began with one particular swan from the River Salwarpe which came in with a broken wing. I've always been interested in wildlife and it just grew from there."

Among her many aims, Jan hopes that one day there will be a complete ban on anglers using lead weights, which has proven fatal for many swans left untreated.

"We are trying to change the law. I'm not anti-fishing but lead poisoning is still very serious."

Viewers are being urged to tune into Carlton TV news tonight (Wednesday) to vote for Jan.Judges will select the winner of the competition next Wednesday (November 26).