THE Primrose Choir gave another successful concert in October. This was the Primrose Proms Concert at the Spadesbourne Suite in Bromsgrove. It was sponsored by the Primrose Hospice and Cancer Help Centre, to which the choir's profits are always donated.

The proms concert is an annual event in the autumn and, like the Last Night of the Proms in the Albert Hall, ends with the traditional Rule Britannia, Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory. The choir was joined for the event by the very popular West Midlands Light Orchestra, conducted by Hilary Summers. Both choir and orchestra contributed numbers separately and they joined together in a charming version of Every Time We Say Goodbye. The evening was again compared by Peter Tomlinson, of Saga Radio fame, and his light touch was well suited to the warm and friendly atmosphere which characterises the Primrose Choir's concerts. The choir is now working hard on the Christmas repertoire and the run up to Christmas has a large number of private engagements. The next public performance will be the Christmas concert at the Rocklands Social Club in Redditch on December 18.