VICE president Jean Andrews welcomed everyone to the 83rd birthday meeting of Chaddesley Corbett WI.

Business matters were discussed, including the planned budget for the coming year.

Details of our New Year meal were announced. A telephone call had been received from our president Barbara Maskell, who is in Japan visiting her daughter, wishing us a very happy 83rd birthday meeting. A report from Christine Hickman-Smith, who had attended the autumn council meeting, was read by Sylvia Beardshaw. Sylvia also reported on the group meeting, which had been most enjoyable with good food and good company. Excellent entertainment was provided by Mr Westcott "The Pantomime Dame". Joyce Rowthorn announced the result of the skittle match against Hopwood, which Hopwood narrowly won. Then followed our birthday celebrations. The medieval theme of the evening commended with members of Harvington Hall household displaying and modelling clothes of the period. The evening ended with members sampling food, which had been cooked by committee members using medieval recipes.

It was agreed by all that it had been an enjoyable and fun evening. Our next meeting will be held on December 3, at 7.30pm in the village hall.