West Malvern Royal British Legion honoured long-serving members at a ceremony on Sunday, as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations.

The ceremony followed the remembrance service at St James's Church.

A wreath was laid and branch secretary Alan Fish paraded the Royal British Legion standard.

Researchers Tim and Anna Brazier presented Rev Richard Rosoman with a book listing every serviceman on the village war memorial.

At the branch's base in Lower Road, certificates of appreciation were presented to Gordon Hodgkiss, Robin Burton, Jim Payter, Nigel Blake, Dennis Cottrell and Alan Fish for their dedication to the organisation.

Branch chairman Colin Hammond said: "The ceremony was a celebration of what our members have achieved during our 50-year history. The fact that it took place on Remembrance Sunday made it all the more significant.

"I am delighted to say that we had a record attendance at both the remembrance service and the cere-mony. Through collections at the church and a raffle held at the club, we raised £300 for the poppy appeal, which takes our total to over £12,500 in the last five years."