A VERY pleasurable meeting was held on Wednesday, October 1, in the village hall, with around 35 members attending.

Chairman Sue Frizzell opened the meeting and welcomed five visitors. With much regret and sorrow she announced the death of one of our long-standing members - Elizabeth Davies, who will be sadly missed. Regrets and condolences were sent to the family by Sue on our behalf.

Out talk was organised by the National Vegetable Society, the main speaker being John Bennington, from Crewe. John showed us slides illustrating and explaining how he grows vegetables for showing and good cropping for his family's use. The tips for growing potatoes in black bags were helpful and we would all be jubilant if we could produce an onion to compare to his seven and a half pounder.

This was followed by slides and instructions from Harry Atkinson on building raised beds in which to grow many different vegetables but particularly prize-winning leeks. Thanks were given by Sue Frizzell. Out next meeting will be held on November 5 at 7.30pm. Our speaker is Jane Roberts on organic gardening.