K FLEMMING raises an interesting point (You Say, Thursday, October 2) regarding opposition to hunting.

The current Countryside Alliance poster campaign makes use of the slogan "59 per cent of the public say keep hunting".

According to Nicky Driver of the CA, this figure was arrived at by adding on to the numbers of diehard supporters all those who agreed hunting might continue only under the "middle way" licensing proposals.

Given that those proposals would effectively see the banning of hunting in lowland areas, it seems to be a highly dubious piece of spin for the CA to produce a pro-figure of 59 per cent on their posters.

And where are these posters? At the start of September, Mr Burgess promised us at least six lorry-sized posters and many hundreds of placards "to show our strength of feeling".

Various trips around Worcestershire have revealed a placard count of less than 30 in total and two large posters.

However, Mr Burgess is doing better than most - recent journeys to Exeter and Salisbury revealed a total of fewer than 10 in more than 200 miles.

Even allowing for vandalism (which I condemn) it is a pretty feeble show of support, given the hype that preceded the campaign.

Is the realisation dawning that the end of hunting will not mean the end of the countryside?

A REECE, Worcester.