PEOPLE will be able to discuss their medicines with pharmacist Hooman Ghalamkari as part of Ask About Medicines Week, this week.

Dr Ghalamkari, of DG Pharmacy, Dines Green, Worcester, is urging people to bring their medicines in a bag to the Gresham Road pharmacy.

The idea is a national initiative to encourage patients to ask questions about medication prescribed to them.

"A typical West Midlands Primary Care Trust will see up to one ton worth of medicines wasted every year," said Dr Ghalamkari.

"There are lots of different reasons for this.

"One of the reasons is that patients concerns, worries and lifestyles are not taken into account.

"If medicines do not fit into a belief and lifestyle then they are not going to be taken.

"With the elderly population, up to 50 per cent of medicines aren't used."