A DECISION about the proposed new medical centre for Upton-upon-Severn is due to be made next week, with planners recommending approval.

Malvern Hills District Council's planning officers say, in their report, that permission should be granted, but the applicants should provide funds for relevant highway alterations and a bus service within the catchment area.

Members of the council's southern area planning sub-committee will meet on Wednesday, October 15, to discuss the proposal.

A final decision was put off at last month's meeting to allow committee members a chance to view the site for themselves.

The application was submitted by Dr George Wilson and colleagues, of the existing Upton Surgery.

The new centre at Tunnel Hill would house GP consulting rooms, nurses' rooms, an optician, dispensary, dental practice, a child health centre and a physiotherapy centre.

The planning department has received 43 letters of support from Upton residents and eight objecting.

The meeting is due to be held at Priory Lodge Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern, at 7pm and is open to the public.