MARK Davies (You Say, Tuesday, September 30), is very unfair on Heather Mead.

Far from being smug, she is, at the end of the day, just pointing out what is her job to point out.

And whether you agree with these "revenue makers" or not, for him to suggest that it is unsafe to glance down at your speedo while driving is ludicrous.

Perhaps he is one of the drivers on our dual carriageways who finds it too dangerous to glance in his mirrors before changing lanes, and thus putting the rest of us in danger.

And to suggest that emergency services crashing at speed make up any significant proportion of speed- related accidents is plain ridiculous.

Hiding among these very silly points in his letter was one very good point - that several of the speed limits set on our roads are inappropriate and need reviewing!


Birtsmorton, Malvern.